Friday, September 4, 2009

More Catsup

Ok, now what... I've seen a bunch of films this summer, but I'm already forgetting most of them.

500 days of summer-
Enjoyable. Twisted. Mean. I liked it. My main complaint is the cheezy ending. We're left with the choice that either a) stuff just works out in the end because the universe has a sense of humor or something (gag me) or b) the main character still hasn't figured out it doesn't, but that's okay for some reason.

Don't get me wrong- I'm not saying one relationship that was a bad idea to begin with should sour the main character on love for life. I'm not even saying it should sour him on love for more time than it takes him to get over summer. What I'm saying is that by the end, he should have at least realized that these things aren't fated, or that if they are, we can't spot them.

Either way, I'd be willing to give it another watch.

Moving on...
Star Trek 99999999 (or whatever we call it)
Great fun. Shockingly, it entertained the non-trekkies, the moderate sci-fi fans, and the die-hard trekkies all at once. Bravo J.J. Abrams. You don't even have to like sci fi. Rag on it for the Beastie Boys, and the very un-trek product placement, but whatever, you know you had fun.

The Proposal-
Romantic Comedy... which means its predictable. But I'm pretty much ok with that at this point- by now I think of Romantic Comedies as a highly structured sub-genre of movie making. It's almost like a performance of a classic piece of music- the skill is in the execution. You don't go to a romantic comedy to be shocked, you go to be entertained, amused, and to think things will all work out for a little while.
In this genre, it was fairly entertaining. The start was awkward to the point of painful, and I'd say that Bullock and Ryan Reynolds almost had better antagonistic chemistry than romantic chemistry. But overall, it ended up having some clever moments, some fresh gags, and decent enough pace to keep me awake. Not bad overall, but I don't feel the need to watch it again.

District 9... get's its own post. I hate that I'm into it, because everyone else liked it too, but it's worth a watch or two.

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